We know the value of community and we know that it takes more than just ourselves to do God’s work. As people who endeavor to live as actual disciples of Jesus Christ, FCC understands that we are only a small part of a much larger community of faith.
Please check out the websites of the regional and general (international) ministries of our beloved denomination, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and those of our partner organizations to see all of the other opportunities available to aide in your spiritual growth and Christian witness.
We will help you form and share your story of God’s redemptive love, and to blend your experiences and talents with ours in bringing people of no faith to faith in Jesus; showing care for hurting people, and refusing to remain silent when violence, discrimination, and hate threaten God’s people.
Some of First Christian Church of Findlay partners and ways we provide outreach:
Offering refreshments and have hosted lunches and programs with our neighbors to our church. We offer spiritual guidance from our Pastor.
Offering financial gifts to Christian Clearing House which provides rent and utility bill assistance while connects individuals to community resources.
Offering support to the local LGBTQ+ community through our partnership with LGBTQ+ Spectrum. Our participation with Findlay pride each year to demonstrate God's inclusive love to all!
Support the work of our denomination which provides support globally through the Disciples Global Missions ministry.
Additional Resources:
The Regional Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Ohio: http://www.ccinoh.com
General (International) Christian Church Disciples of Christ Website: http://disciples.org/
Disciples Alliance Q Website: http://disciplesallianceq.org
The Ohio Council of Churches Website: http://www.ohcouncilchs.org/
The National Council of Churches Website: http://nationalcouncilofchurches.us/
The Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference Website: http://sdpconference.info/
The World Council of Churches Website: https://www.oikoumene.org/enightlight