First Christian Church is a joyful, growing, and impactful congregation that has a heart for social justice, personal redemption, and peace. We are an open and affirming congregation that enthusiastically welcomes everyone regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, culture, ethnic background, economic circumstance, family configuration, or difference in ability.
Our goals are to help people know God, become cherished members of our faith community, and then live as disciples of Jesus Christ who actively share their personal faith narratives and use their gifts to bring people of no faith to faith in Jesus Christ, while working for social justice and pursuing peace in his name.
We are an open, just, and loving Christian Community that Welcomes, Includes, and Serves all children of God. And our mission is that First Christian Church will be a transformational church body that helps people to know Jesus Christ; practices extravagant hospitality that heals; and shows Jesus’ love through caring, sharing faith, and resisting injustice. (Micah 6:8-9; Matthew 25:31-46)
What We Believe
Like most Christians, Disciples affirm that Jesus Christ is the son of the Living God, and offers saving grace to all. All persons are God’s children.
Beliefs and Practices of Disciples
Open Communion – The Lord’s Supper, Eucharist or Communion is celebrated in weekly worship. The Communion Table belongs to Christ, and he invites all to partake.
Freedom of Belief – Disciples are called together around one essential of faith: belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Persons are free to follow their consciences and are expected to be guided by the Bible, the Holy Spirit, prayer and cultural realities, not just as individuals but within the community of Christian faith, practice and accountability. Of course we extend this level of responsible freedom to others, graciously.
Baptism by Immersion – In baptism the old self-centered life is set aside, and a new life of trust in God in the tradition of Jesus Christ begins. Although Disciples practice baptism by immersion, other baptismal traditions are honored.
Belief in the Oneness of the Church – All Christians are called to be one in Christ and to seek opportunities for worship, common witness and service.
The Ministry of Believers – Both ministers and lay persons lead in worship, nurture and the ministry of the church.